Tango Facilitators

Cultivating community growth by meeting social tango dancers’ needs

ARGENTINE Tango Facilitator Trainings


We offer training opportunities for those interested in assisting others in their tango journey.

Argentine Tango Culture can be an avenue for people to find a deep connection to themselves and others. Helping others create and support healthy tango communities is the most potent, current, and relevant way of living and sharing a passion for connection through Argentine Tango.

The Tango Facilitator Trainings are structured programs designed to give you the tools you need to help fellow social tango dancers advance in their tango journey.

  • A healthy tango community is built by the whole community. It needs skillful teachers, organizers, tutors, and hosts who manifest, communicate, facilitate, accompany, model, and hold together a group of people as they travel through their tango journey.

    A healthy tango community is sustained and supported through positive connections. These connections are created by technically and socially skilled dancers who want to be community movers and leaders by hosting, tutoring, modeling, or teaching others.

  • A Tango Facilitator helps fellow social tango dancers advance in their tango journey.

    Tango Facilitators play one or many roles in a given tango community depending on their expertise, engagement, and training. These roles go from coaching, assisting, and teaching, to hosting and organizing sustainable and appealing tango events.

    All tango communities need tango facilitators to exist, function, and grow sustainably.

    Tango Facilitators’ skills help keep Argentine Tango attractive, accessible, and lively.

  • All tango communities need support and resources to develop and grow. We want to assist those interested and engaged in further developing their tango communities.

    We are very excited about this project and its potential for the local tango communities. We believe tango is ready for a shift and we want to be part of that change.

We are hosting our first training 🎉

We are offering our first Tango Facilitator training in Missoula, MT from July 25-28, 2024. This training works in connection with Tomás’s annual visit and workshops.

For this occasion, we are inviting a group of experienced and community-engaged social tango dancers to participate in the four-day Tango Facilitator Training. Participation in this training is by invitation only. Confirmed trainees can attend a two-day training before the public workshops.

  • We would like to offer the friendliest and most welcoming tango event one could imagine.

    The general public can sign up for workshops and dances as usual. The difference will be that during the workshops Tomás will be teaching with a group of prepared Tango Facilitators who will be helping everyone learn more effectively, connect faster, and feel welcomed and cared for in their tango learning journey.


Who are we?

This upcoming training has been envisioned and developed by Tomás Howlin, Patrick Marsolek, and Lori Mitchell.

They are passionate about building learning, teaching, and collaborating with fellow social dancers. They are very excited about this project and its potential for the local tango communities. They believe that tango is ready for a shift, and they want to be part of that change.

  • At this moment, participation in this training is by invitation only.

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